Sunday 13 March 2011

I guess this is the beginning of something

I said I would never do it. Well, actually there are many things I've said I'd never do, and then did. In this case, I truly believed myself, but here I am - writing a blog! I've never been able to keep a journal or diary, but I felt like I needed an outlet to work through some things, mainly weight issues, but other ups and downs life likes to throw at me as well.

This will probably be the longest post, so bear with me. Let's start with an introduction.
I am Chelly, I am a 26 year old second time graduate student. I have never been thin, as a baby my family referred to me as thunder thighs. I use to joke that I never lost my baby weight. My thighs are still huge, and the rest of me is following suit. I am not tall, standing about 5'3", and currently weigh 175 lbs. If you know anything about BMI's or healthy weight, I am a 31, clinically obese. That is a difficult thing for me to admit.

Three years ago, just before I began my first Masters program, I weighed 130 lbs. It took me 6 months in Jenny Craig to lose 20 lbs to get there, and it was great. I was going to the gym 5-6 times a week, I wasn't quite at my goal, but I was happy. Then I moved, and started school. In the two years it took me to get a Masters degree, I gained 30 lbs. And then another 10 in the last year. 40 lbs! I managed to gain twice as much as I had lost.

Being in school doesn't help. I know it is a rather lame excuse, but it is true none-the-less. If you've ever been in grad school, you know the stress and long sleepless nights I'm talking about. I want, and need to get this weight off. I want to see myself as beautiful again. I want to be happy, and healthy.

I am theoretically on Weight Watchers, but am not very good at tracking. Hopefully, this blog will help. Also, two days ago, I started on Alli. It is not a miracle pill, I know that, but I figured it could help me get started in the right direction. And I am aware of the side effects that might result. But you know, I am willing to pay the price of embarrassment if it could mean happiness in the long run.

Until I step on the scale again,